A simple postcard was mailed to the Foundation's fans, and a full size (24" x 36") poster was given to key stakeholders. Moving from a multi-page, saddle-stitched traditional format annual report to a 2-sided poster allowed the Foundation's story to be engaging in a new way, large as life. The illustrations are rich with detail, by the talented Lucy Engelmann.

This image serves as a teaser for viewing the entire report online

Poster front contains stories of good work done by grantees. Copywriting by Kathy O'brien

Image detail. Illustrations by Lucy Engelman.

Back side contains the people listing plus all the financial data – Financial statements as well as a list of all the grantees and the amounts they received. The small circles that accompany each grantee corresponds to the funding amount.

Image detail (back). Illustrations by Lucy Engelman.

Image detail (back). Illustrations by Lucy Engelman.